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Welcome to The Brave Company!

Welcome to The Brave Company!

Hi! My name is Jessica! Welcome to The Brave Company! This project has been a huge part of my life and faithfully prayed about for years! Finally, the Lord put it on my heart to “Be Brave” and go for it!

So… after lots of long nights, bottles of water, and cutie oranges here we are! This project is to provide others confidence, feel brave, and find great clothing that is meant for a Daughter of a King!

Here is a background on me; I grew up on a sheep farm in Roswell, NM! In the fall of 2013; God called me to do something crazy! So I faithfully followed.  I bought my first pair of high-heels in February and was lucky enough to compete for Miss America in September.  During that whirlwind I experienced so much growth in faith, personality, and strength. Unfortunately, I also struggled with the self-awareness of my “flaws”, and feeling not good enough; however, I now know God had me go through that to show myself just how strong he made me!  

Fast-forward three years and here I am! About to graduate college, fixing to start a Masters in Christian Counseling, and starting on this adventure.  My goal is to give women a selection of quality clothes to show up and be bold, brave, and themselves.  Though I face struggles still today, I have to remind myself that I am a child of the King, and that’s all I need to be; because I am fearfully and wonderfully made! I pray that through this blog, website, and clothing you will see just how worthy, loved, and wonderful God sees you to be!


The Brave Company is set up to:

  1. Provide clothes I would feel comfortable having girls/women wear; this is something I struggled so much with when competing in pageants. I hated seeing little girls watch me in a swimsuit and think that was what made them worthy; I want to protect their precious heart which I think is so important for girls and young women to do. My pictures are not edited and if I am modeling, rarely will I wear makeup. I love the way God created me and I hope you walk away from TBC with the same love!
  2. Help me pay for a Master’s Degree (you will hear more about this soon); but trust me you will love all the stories!
  3. Raise money to help others; each month I will donate a percentage of my proceeds to a charity. I am not in this journey to cash out; I love to help others and this is where YOU come into play! Stay tuned for sales, new products, and your opportunity to raise money for your favorite organization/team/charity etc.


I hope you fall in love with this project as much as I do! Here I go being brave, vulnerable, and ready to show others just how much God loves them! Be prepared for sassiness, realness, and the occasional typo; but always full of love. I can’t wait to journey down this path and hope you join me! If you would like me to discuss certain topics, need prayer requests, or even looking for a perfect outfit fill out the contact information and I would LOVE to work with you!


Thank you for supporting the Brave Company! I can’t wait to see where God takes us!


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