About TBC
Hey! Welcome to our page! My name is Jessica and this is my God-sized dream. This company was started on my kitchen table in college and has provided opportunity, relationships, and...
The Farm Girl Who Went to Miss America
It is believed that it took Noah less than 100 years to build the ark; not to mention he was 500 years old when this happened. Crazy how God does...
My BIGGEST Secret, Until Now
When I was 5 years old I was playing Tag with my friend Kristen on the playground, and ended up in the urgent care because I ran into a fence...
How to Become a Warrior Princess
Being brave can stink, make you feel like the life is sucked of you, and make you fall numerous times. This was my experience with HOT YOGA. However, after I...
Tough Skin, Soft Hearts
Birthdays are always fun; but I feel I have reached the boring milestone in celebrating and getting older. Needless to say, I was most excited that I was one step...
Welcome to The Brave Company!
Hi! My name is Jessica! Welcome to The Brave Company! This project has been a huge part of my life and faithfully prayed about for years! Finally, the Lord put...